First off, thank you Dr. Richards for providing your services so freely.

I’m 52, married, not over weight. I am a testicular cancer survivor from 2002. I’m on TRT with low cortisol output throughout the day. My sexlife with my wife is basically zero since she hit menopause and my preoccupation with pornography. I’ve tried breaking from the porn many times without success. I have almost all the sexual exhaustion symptoms that you list. My ED is getting quite bad.

Once I find the courage to stop viewing pornography, will my libido go to zero? Presently I’m experiencing what probably is PSAS. I’ve been tested in the past with high norepinephine. Could my adrenal function return to somewhat normal if I quit masturbating? I currently am on hydrocortisone to be able to function.

Are there supplements that I can take address the PSAS so I can have a better chance of breaking free of pornography?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.

Yes, usually TRT regulates Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in men, with divergent effects on Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol, frequently leading to peripheral (adrenal) locus for suppressive effects on cortisol.

Your self-diagnosis is probably on the spot, I’d conclude that once you discontinue the pornography and masturbation practices the libido will go to practically non existent for 1-3 weeks at least.

“Could my adrenal function return to somewhat normal if I quit masturbating?”

Yes, however, it will take a good 4 to 12 month period. And you shouldn’t completely discontinue the practice.

“Are there supplements that I can take address the PSAS so I can have a better chance of breaking free of pornography?”

It’s a vicious cycle. However, the most important thing is to break the cycle of excessive inflammatory response keeping you in a state of “heat” and allow nervous (and not only) rejuvenation. The best way would be to improve the GABA-Serotonin nervous modulation on inflammatory response as well as HGH release, improve nervous and endocrine functioning, aid hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-testicular axis proper functioning, increase androgens, increase elasticity prostaglandin E1 E3 and Nitric Oxide, alter numerous gene expressions, and eventually rewrite the negative neuroplasticity developed with 5HTP-Nettle (half the dosage), GRB6-GABA, Alpha-AGH, Multi-Alpha, Alpha-Amino and Ultra-Purified-FishOil.

5HTP-Nettle and GRB6-GABA are to be gradually discontinued (75%, 50%, 25% every week) after 2-3 months. The libido will improve but remain relatively low for the initial 2-3 month period, though.

Also, you may want to possibly consider solutions to increase the effectiveness of the remaining testicle, given that it is the case.