To start off I know about pmo, ybop and others related. I believe i started masturbating at 12 maybe 11. Everyday since then except the past 4 months I have been rebooting one after the other. Longest so far is 34. I am currently on the last one which is estimated to be at least a year since I have been so involved in masturbation.
Had sex once but had no erection what so ever and it was very embarrassing. At age 16.
Masturbated for 3-4 right around 2-3 times when I was 13-14 yeard old.
I want to know what supplements won’t cause me problems but as . u have mentioned in other posts. Calm and fix my neralcohol. system.
I have irritability occasionally, mood swings, light depression (I work on it when it occurs and I can bring myself out it for the most part), small hands and fingers this is my major concern, huge anxiety and social isolation. Voice variations and ear ringing, eye floaters, tingly hands feet. Easily go numb if i sleep on it. I always sleep good but lately for 10-12 hours. But mostly ten. I am adopting lifestyle changes and great nutrition. a moderate to severe case i what i presume. I may have other symptoms but cant recall them right now. I did smoke for a year quiting around 8 months or so. Very light alcohol. Very very very light.
Will a long reboot solve my physical implications? What might I have done to my penis and nerves?
I also put on a cup I found in the football field in 7th grade when i played. I masturbated with cherry blossom shampoo and my penis and scrotum we very swollen and painful the next day. Went to the doctor and it went down on its own. I also had a second surgery to fix my mom not taking care of my circumcision and had it fixed. I also may have gyno and daily puffy nipples. I feel arms and hands are more maculine but i am very weak and have small hands. 6inch organism and i have been masturbating with shampoos, cooking oils, and I have stopped completely. No more. I’m so scared that life will stay the same and I will no longer grow and mature. I am good looking and want a girl friend but how can I if I am a terrible example of a man?

Thank you for taking time to read this. My life is not ending or in a deep hole. I have ruined my personal and social life. What are your choices to fix them? What do these products do, symptoms of taking them. Long and short term effects/affects?
Thank you. Tyler


Right, you’ve guessed correctly that the symptoms you experience are usually indicative of a moderate to severe case of sexual exhaustion.

Will a long reboot solve my physical implications?

You’re certainly on the right path with the sexual abstinence you’ve been going through the last couple of months. However, as you have noticed, it is frequently not enough to bring any lasting positive changes. Many sufferers notice temporary symptom improvement and subsequent recurrence the minute they masturbate again. It’s because they have not actually restored their proper neuroendocrine functioning but have just “lightened” the load on it.

However, you’re still very young and that’s the predominant reason I believe that it is possible to solve many of the physical implications with just a few on spot lifestyle improvements.

The negative neuroplasticity that has been developed has to be addressed in a precise manner to avoid internal feedback mechanisms supporting it. It’s the basic principle of “what fires together wires together”.

I am adopting lifestyle changes and great nutrition

That’s really the way to go, it will prove to be very beneficial in terms of successful recovery and just overall quality of life.

What might I have done to my penis and nerves?

Sexual Exhaustion is a condition that will usually negatively influence one’s penile health by promoting excessive inflammatory / excitatory tissue responses even to minor external stimulation, lowering androgens responsible for penile tissue health and integrity, and lowering prostaglandins E1 E3 and Nitric Oxide for tissue elasticity issues, frequently resulting in abrasions even through ejaculation alone.

There are quite a few things that may have gone wrong but most are usually very reversible with conservative methods.

I’m so scared that life will stay the same and I will no longer grow and mature. I am good looking and want a girlfriend but how can I if I am a terrible example of a man?

You’re still developing and what you describe does seem relatively normal. Certainly slight body part size inconsistencies should be considered normal even in perfectly healthy developing adults. I’d advise you against any excessive worrying at this stage, or any for that matter.

Thank you for taking time to read this. My life is not ending or in a deep hole. I have ruined my personal and social life. What are your choices to fix them?

It’s a pleasure, there are certain lifestyle alterations that you may want to consider. You’ve said that you’re already on improving certain aspects of your lifestyle and diet, and have discontinued any excessive sexual activities, so I will mention some of the rest:
– Negative ion exposure
– Massages
– Healing visualizations. In that regard, particularly useful may prove to be the content at

What do these products do, symptoms of taking them. Long and short term effects/affects?

They are just very high quality supplements, designed to stabilize and improve internal organism equilibrium when combined properly and in a proper ratio with each other. Once you’ve improved your neuroplasticity you’d need to keep it for a prolong period of time in order to remain the default mode of functioning, related to the previous basic principle in neuroscience “what fires together wires together” I mentioned.

A combination of Multi-Alpha, Alpha-Amino, 5HTP-Nettle (to be discontinued 2nd to 3rd month), GRB6-GABA (to be discontinued 2nd to 3rd month), Balance-Essentials, and Ultra-Purified-FishOil will improve neuroendocrine functioning, stabilize serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, and GABA levels, improve hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-testicular functioning and increase androgens, aid serotonin-GABA nervous modulation on inflammatory / excitatory response, increase prostaglandins E1 E3 and Nitric Oxide for healing, and rewrite the neuroplasticity to a positive one.

Please, keep me updated on the case!

Glad if I could help!