I’ll do my best to be as thorough as possible. A year ago my girlfriend and I were having sex, I bent my penis awkwardly while in about 90% erection and experienced pain. The pain wasn’t that strong but all this was extremely alarming to me so fearing the worst I went to my GP a couple of days later since the pain wasn’t going away completely. The erection quality was still cool but I was experiencing burning pain on the left side at the base and strangely enough the left testicle. So the GP ruled out fracture immediately since I was able to have erections and was not having any deformities. Then the GP prescribed me some anti-inflammatories and sent me home. So I said, screw it, and went to an Urologist hoping that he would at least DIAGNOSE me. He performed doppler ultrasound and the results were “normal”. The urologist eventually told me that it’s possible it was a partial fracture to the right corpus cavernosum. He was speculating that I may have had experienced tunica damage and bruising and that it would heal with time. He then prescribed me 500mg of Naproxen twice daily to aid the inflammation and pain. It’s now a whole YEAR after the injury and am just beginning to MAYBE see some improvements. I MEAN.. how do every one of the millions sufferers cope with this!??! WTF IS THIS! I apologize but I’ve been frustrated for so long.

Here are some of the symptoms I experience:

– My penis bends a few degrees to the left in erection.

– Cord-like vessel running the length of my penis on the injured side. I originally thought it might be thrombosis, but the urologist said that it wasn’t and I probably just failed to notice it before (I’m pretty certain I would have noticed it so this is bullcrap).

– The stage between flaccid and erection is when I experience the most discomfort.

– Penile erection quality has diminished, especially the corpus spongiosum.

Every opinion is welcome! I’m trying to get as much as possible and I’m sure that there are many sufferers just like me – we will be helping them now and in the future with every piece of useful information gathered around.



  1. JoyRide

    “The urologist eventually told me that it’s possible it was a partial fracture to the right corpus cavernosum.”

    That diagnosis seems wrong to me.. like way-way off the mark.Similar injuries are so rare it’s not even funny.

    The ligaments and soft tissues are most likely the ones who bore the dmg.

  2. Troy

    “– My penis bends a few degrees to the left in erection.”

    Expect either ligament injury or collagen scar at the base tilting it. They usually go hand in hand as when you sprain or injure the ligaments at the base there is also a hematoma present (which later becomes a collagen scar).

    “– Cord-like vessel running the length of my penis on the injured side. I originally thought it might be thrombosis, but the urologist said that it wasn’t and I probably just failed to notice it before (I’m pretty certain I would have noticed it so this is bullcrap). “

    Sounds like some of your arteries. They are usually cord-like in nature and hard to the touch. The fact that you can touch it through your outer layer of skin makes me believe there is a soft tissue damage involved. (The soft tissue usually fully wraps around the arteries and makes them not directly touchable).

    “– The stage between flaccid and erection is when I experience the most discomfort. “

    Ever heard of the hourglass penile shape. Better check it out. Definitely indicative of a soft tissue damage and collagen scarrings.

    “– Penile erection quality has diminished, especially the corpus spongiosum.”

    You said it yourself. Expect softer penile underside, loss of girth, and softer penile glans.

    All in all the injury sounds classic and I would recommend the usuals:
    Hot-Cold wraps, SR-Cream, other natural oils, meditation, and even infrared lamp exposure.

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