Hello there Dr.Richards! I have suffered from premature ejaculation for the past few years, but I did not realize since I wasn’t sexually active. I am 19 now, and used to masturbate 5-6 times a day. I have noticed my penis becoming darker and erection very weak. I cum pretty quickly but it has been getting a little better since I stopped masturbating so much. I have cut down to about 5-7 times a week, and have been practicing the stop and start method, since before I would just try and cum as fast as possible. I have researched premature ejaculation for about 3 months and have started to try some amino acid supplements and other minerals and herbs. SO FAR, I have 5-htp and L-Methionine and l-Theanine (precursor to GABA, and have noticed the serotonin has helped me go a little longer, but the l-Methionine has actually hurt my erection quality and makes me go sooner then planned. The Theanine I haven’t used as much but will start. I think it’s an ok start but I am wondering what you think of my supplements I will be ordering to combat this problem.

L-Glutamine or GABA, I can’t decide which woud be more effective
Vitex (chaste berry) In high amounts it reduces prolactin and possible prostglandin e2? Please let me know
Omega fish oil supplements that include GLA for increased PGE1.
L-Arginine and ornthinine for erection quality.

Please tell me if I should get more supplements or if some of these wont actually work. Also at an early age like 19 would my prostate be messed up due to over ejaculation? I also noticed I always dribble urine after I go to the bathroom so something is pretty weak down there. And lastly how long should I take all of these supplements?

Thanks so much for reading my VERY cluttered message

Since you are 19 years old, I presume your premature ejaculation will be as a result of: excessive excitatory Prostaglandin E2 in the prostate and penile nerves, excessive excitory neurohormones norepinephrine, epinephrine, glutamate, histamine production, ejaculation nervous reflexion training, excessive or insufficient dopamine nervous excitation, and lack of proper serotonin, GABA nervous control. Urine dribbling may occur as a result of excessive

Prostaglandin E2 and DHT conversions in the prostate tissues, as well as weak and slightly inflamed pelvic floor muscles.

Vitex may not be such a great idea, since the inhibition of prolactin while excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversions are observed (while suffering from abnormal levels inf the first place) may lead to severe imbalances through various feedback mechanisms.

The following combination for synergestic effect 5HTP-Nettle, GRB6-GABA, Alpha-Amino, Multi-Alpha and Ultra-Purified-FishOil will modulate proper nervous and endocrine functioning, proper neurotransmitter and hormonal levels, lower stress, excitatory and inflammatory hormonal release, and boost prostaglandin E1 E3 and NO.

Thanks so much Dr.Richards! I have ordered all of the supplements and will take them immediately. How long do you suggest I take these supplements? will I always have to take them or can I stop once it gets better, and I will just keep my ejaculation frequency in the normal range so all of these chemicals stay in balance.

Glad if I could help.
Since you are 19, you should observe results relatively quickly – 1 to 3 weeks. One may want to continue taking them to “fuel” chronically overactive sexual activities in the future and avoid much of the negative consequences. However, you should stop once you feel better and just preserve the homeostasis.

Hey there Dr.Richards, I have one more question actually! Thanks for all of the quick responses actually, I really appreciate it. I have read about some research stating that Premature ejaculation is genetic, and has to deal with the serotonin receptors. I cant tell if I have a genetic disorder, since I kind of been sexually exhausted for most of the time I have masturbated, but IF I did, would this help my body get back on track, and just have to take 5-htp and gaba for the rest of my life?

I also did some research about alcoholism. Both my parents were alcoholics until they got married, and both quit. I read that I would probably have an “alcoholic gene” that would make me more susceptible to alcoholism. I read that it makes less serotonin or more dopamine or some weird stuff and maybe this also helped cause my premature ejaculation. HMMM!!! so many questions I guess. What are your thoughts of this? Is it true? If so, what could I do to help this. I also seem to be a “histadelic” possibly, since I’m tall and never gain weight and have easy orgasm.

You shouldn’t worry.
Improper 5-HT subtypes functioning is not limited only to ejaculation abnormalities, you will experience much more ill consequences. A down regulation and followed by proper functioning alterations in 5-HT receptor subtypes in the hypoccampus may play a role in ethanol dependence. However, is a two way street through numerous gene expressions alterations, so basically your body will alternate and adapt internal functioning to external outputs and support the created neuroplasticity.

Once the negative neuroplasticity expression is altered and homeostasis achieved you won’t need additional 5-htp and GABA, at least not if you do not engage in over active sexual activities in the future.