Alcohol affects cell membranes and can diffuse into nearly every biological tissue. By destroying the brain-blood barrier in the choroid plexus of the ventricular system, it allows chemicals, drugs, toxins, inflammatory factors and hormones to penetrate into the cerebrospinal fluid and brain. The ill effects are numerous – it impairs or even blocks neurotransmitter action in the synapses by the so called hyperploralization, which is basically opening of the chloride and potassium channels in the plasma membrane of the neurons, contributing to memory loss, amnesia, hangover, and even dopamine-acetylcholine nervous systems malfunctioning for blurred vision, loss of coordination and slow reactions.
It excites the neurotransmitter action by the so called deploralization, which is opening the Sodium channels in the postsynaptic receptors. Exciting the sympathetic-epinephrine nervous system, with a certain lack of serotonin and GABA modulation, will lead to:
- aggression
- violence
- mood swing
- panic attacks
- other weird behaviors
- deformity of the synapses
- alternation and death to nervous cells and functions
- inflammatory factors
- excessive toxins in the blood
- inner ear inflammation
- vertigo
- balance disorder
- headache
- ataxia
- eye pupils dilation and blurry vision
- inflamed and damaged liver
- stimulation of the pituitary gland to release more prolactin, but less oxytocin
- testicular disorders
- shrinked penis and testicles – due to the excessive prolactin and estrogen
- low DHEA, testosterone and DHT production
- excessive prostaglandin E2 release from every cell to the blood stream
- prostaglandin E2 and toxins that flood into the cerebrospinal fluid, thus leadng to brain and nervous destruction
- blocked Methionine. SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine). SAMe cofactors the synthesis of brain neurotransmitters – acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin and GABA. It also increases tyrosine hydroxylase, phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase and dopamine betab-hydroxylase.