Dear Dr Richards,
I refer to your email of the 15th March on Sexual Exhaustion
I have now received the first consignment of medication that you recommended and have so far taken it for five days.
Regarding the 5HTP – I found that it seemed to be ‘hitting’ the inflammation in my head rather hard, so I have cut it down to quarter of a tablet a day. Hope this is alright.
I am taking all of the other recommended medicines as you prescribed.
Over the last two weeks my urine flow became very weak and my regular Doctor discovered that I have an enlarged prostate. He says the prostate feels soft and he will be conducting blood tests. What I want to know Dr Richards is, could this be part of the sexual exhaustion problem or could it be a separate issue?
Your advice will be welcome.
Thank you and regards

Yes, the enlarged prostate is a symptom of sexual exhaustion. The arterial inflammation in conjunction with excessive testosterone-DHT conversions and increased levels of inflammatory hormones (especially prostaglandin E2) can inflame and enlarge one’s prostate. It should shrink eventually.
Glad if I could help!