Hello Dr.Richards, I am here to ask a few questions!

Thanks for all of this helpful info, I really appreciate what you are doing for the community.
I will be ordering your products very soon. I have read most of the cases and have heard the term “neuroplasticity” flying around lately so I have done a lot of research to find out what it meant. can you effect your gene expression by taking these supplements and refrain from sexual activity? I just heard about a article where a dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) is responsible for some premature ejaculation cases. Dat1 also effects alcoholism, bipolar disorder and ADHD. I also just started researching epigenetics, can you elaborate on how epigenetics can effect premature ejaculation? I used to masturbate 4-5 times daily for about 6 years (I’m 20 now) so would this have an effect on epigenetics and gene expression? Please give me a detailed answer so i can reassure my studies are not in vain!

I have researched that meditation can also effect gene expression, and helped cure kids from ADHD. So my theory of curing premature ejaculation would be a combination of taking your supplements, meditation and yoga. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks!

I plan on publishing series of articles in the near future, one of them will involve epigenetics. It is a rather large theme to be discussed in a detailed fashion right now.

It is true that epigenetics can affect premature ejaculation as can affect every aspect of ones development and life. However, the premature ejaculation will not be the problem with priority if one is suffering from a faulty working dopamine transporter gene. Gene expression alteration is possible and can be achieved.

Your last post was not published due to copyright issues, since the reference was absent. I apologize.