Hello. My name is Tom and I have a girlfriend for almost 3 years. I was super horny and powerful in the beginning once I even had 8 orgasms for 1 day and could keep up no problem. Recently I started experiencing problems and I’m 24 which just doesn’t seem right.I though it was the condom or something so she got on pills and despite I was without a condom I failed miserably 3-4 times. The sex starts then I go numb and later I go limp after about 25-30 minutes of sex.I have erectile dysfunction at my 24-s NO wayyy!

I don’t have other symptoms it’s just that I don’t have my sexual might and I don’t know if it is psychological but now I don’t have libido too. I sometimes can’t even start having sex phew. I hope you give me some light here – thanks.

You are starting to experience sexual exhaustion and it is somewhat explained in the site.
The excessive sexual activity you are describing castrated your hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis by constricting your arteries and inflaming your brain and pelvic organs (prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles, and penis) due to the excessive release of inflammatory hormones and neurotransmitters, such as: norepinephrine, epinephrine, cortisol, prolactin and prostaglandin E2 to name a few.

As a result of this inflammatory narrowness, your brain, prostate, testicles and penis along with all the internal organs are receiving low blood supplies and less androgen hormones, plus increased inflammatory ones. You are on the bring of blowing up your nervous modulation completely, which will lead to other symptoms of sexual exhaustion.

You have to:
• Discontinue any sexual activity for 1 to 3 months
• Massage your penis and testicles gently for 20 minutes every day
• Use supplement support to address the issue as well as possible: Alpha-AGH, Alpha-Amino, Multi-Alpha, and Ultra-Purified-FishOil
• Make good use of testicle temperature regulatory methods / devices (such as uBreeze) to effectively increase your androgens.