Hi I’m a 22 year old male, I had sex with 5 different partners, but if I try to have sex with a new girl who I’m not together with, once we decide to have sex – my erection dies:( Leaving me feeling terrible.

And when i try again, with the same girl, I remember last time and I can’t get an erection again. Any ideas?

Cheers, I’m a shy guy, but usually comfortable with sex with a new partner, any help would be great. Thanks heaps.

You are lacking proper androgen hormones levels to get over the stress and inflammatory hormones that are released in certain stressful situations. You’ve developed a negative neuroplasticity that basically supports same reactions for similar kind of situations.

The solution is to boost your sexual power and proper modulation on stress hormonal release to lower the sympathetic firing, better your libido, and support a strong erection.
Thanks heaps for that, any ideas how to fix it though?



Yes, the combination of Multi-Alpha, Alpha-AGH, Alpha-Amino, Ultra-Purified-FishOil, and testicle temperature regulation will do just that. Since you are not severely exhausted the results will be almost immediate.


Thanks again heaps:)