
Last year I found out about different techniques which could allegedly make me grow a bigger penis, especially jelqing and stretching. I immediately gave it a try without even knowing what I was doing, alternating jelqing and stretching movements. I probably did everything that you’re not supposed to do when practicing that kind of routine: I didn’t warm up with a heat pad or anything, didn’t use any lubricant, and stretched/jelqed with a fully erect penis (I knew you were not supposed to, but with all that touching and rubbing it was really hard not to get fully erect). That being said, it was a very short session: the whole thing didn’t last more than 15 minutes from start to finish – and I have to insist I only did it once, for a mere 15 mins.

I didn’t really feel any pain or abnormal sensation, nothing alarming. However, the following night or so I started noticing some changes, that my penis was not reacting the way it used to. When I got aroused it felt like blood was flowing all around the penis but not into it. My erections were weak, much weaker than before. The penis itself was not painful but it just felt weird, it was kind of numb.

I hoped this would be temporary, and that everything would heal up nicely. Unfortunately, it’s been over 10 months now, and I haven’t seen any significant improvement. As of now I can still get erections, have sex etc., but I really feel that it’s not what it used to be. It’s definitely harder to get and keep an erection. Another big issue is that I lost most of the sensitivity in my glans, now I can hardly feel it, when before the whole incident it used to be so sensitive (when I would put hot water on it on the shower it would hurt immediately, now I can hardly feel anything), and when flaccid I can hardly feel my penis, it’s pretty much like I have some dead flesh/skin between my legs, and that’s really depressing. Final negative consequence: I find it much harder to control my ejaculations, and I think that’s in part because I can’t feel things the way I used to, so I don’t know when it’s gonna come.

The reason why I didn’t panic right away is because I didn’t experience any severe pain when that happened, so I didn’t get the impression that I had “injured” myself in any way. Besides, my penis still “works”, I can use it, but it’s just not the same as before. And now that it’s been so long and I still haven’t seen any real improvement I’m starting to really freak out. I’m only 23 years old so experiencing ED at my age feels terrible, it has really had a severe impact on my well-being and self-confidence.

I need to know what you think went wrong, and if there’s any way I can possibly fix this mess.
Thank you so much!!

I’m sorry to hear about your injury, especially that it could have been avoided with little information on the matter.
Yes, you’ve injured your penis. May take a look Here if haven’t already.

You’ve damaged your sensitive penile nervous endings through the increased pressure and, at the same time, the inability of local prostaglandin E1 to absorb it properly. Also, the fact that you’re having a hard time maintaining the erection is indicative for internal collagen scar release and improper corpus spongiosum functioning.

Much can be done for proper penile sensitivity and erection power restoration:
1. Apply SR-Cream 2 times a day for local increase of prostaglandin E1 E3 and Nitric Oxide.
2. Make a good use of Multi-Alpha, Alpha-AGH, Alpha-Amino, and Ultra-Purified-FishOil to better hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-testicular axis, increase andogen hormones, modulate inflammatory response, and increase prostaglandin E1 E3 and NO for healing.
3. Consider solutions to additionally increase androgens, highly responsible for penile tissue health.
4. Also, apply hot wraps 2 times a day and discontinue sexual activities for a month.