Hi. I’ve been sexually exhausted through masturbation since I was very young.
I’ve been trying to recover, taking a range of supplements and cutting down masturbation and porn.
I can get an erection (with porn), and I can ejaculate.
But I still suffer from Anorgasmia, the inability to orgasm.
This has effected me since the age of 16, and I am now 22.
I also suffer from precum and no proper facial hair.
But what does the body lack, to cause physiological anorgasmia? I know this is not psychological.

Heightened levels of internal stress and inflammatory hormones and the altered brain neuroplasticity and reward circuitry (by frequently overworking of the neural pleasure pathways) are most probably present at the root of the problem. Some men will experience these symptoms through individual gene expressions, others won’t. Also, faulty working pudendal nerve, constricted arteries, and overly-tensed or weak PC muscle may contribute to the condition.

Heightened levels of prostaglandin E2 may be triggered by excessive epinephrine, androgen hormones, and oxytocin, especially if there is lack of serotonin-GABA nervous modulation on the sympathetic nervous function (for a flooding of precum if sexually aroused). Also, a weak serotonin-GABA nervous function will result in excessive oxytocin release for oxytocinergic nervous function that will over-excite the bulbourethral glands for excessive prostaglandin E2 production and precum release.

Lack of proper facial hair growth may be indicative of abnormal liver functioning and testosterone – DHT conversion.
You should better the functioning of your endocrine and nervous system, boost the modulation on inflammatory and stress hormones, stabilize acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, and GABA levels, restore proper liver functioning, charge the CNS, increase androgen hormonal production, and promote prostaglandins E1 E3, and Nitric Oxide for healing, with Alpha-Amino, Zeolite-DA, Multi-Alpha, Ultra-Purified-FishOil, and testicle temperature regulation.