Hello, I stumbled here while I was searching for my symptoms. A couple of months ago after an extensive masturbation | jelqing | edging session I woke felt dizzy and my head ached. Even tho I took a med called advil it stayed for 2 whole days. In a week I stupidly make almost the same long session of masturbation | porn and what not and the dizziness and headaches came back and just never really went away.

The headache and dizziness themselves did not become worse but as they continued affecting me I started getting other symptoms as well – I then started feeling a nasty buzzing in my hears… and my neck and shoulders became really stiff, and I mean really, really, stiff – prior I never had experienced such excessive muscle stiffness! And even more started appearing -while I was laying in bed I started having insomnia and shortness of breath, my heart would race, my legs would twitch involuntarily, and I noticed I even retain water (?!).

I really thought I might die so I endured those nasty symptoms for a day or two and went to the Emergency Room. I then explained them every symptom and they did a cat scan with dye injection. Funnily enough I felt better during the test because of the dye dilating my vessels, or at least I think it was the cause. The test came and they actually said I’m alright and the doctor mumbled something about the need to check out my inner ear for the balance, gave me some muscle relaxants for my twitching and spasms and sent me away.

I started taking those meds but they had nasty side effects like relaxing my bladder and making me feel like a drugged pig. So I said screw that and just endured the symptoms for a week and after I started getting better, even went on a vacation. Things started looking better for me but in my mind I was still unsure what was causing the problems (didn’t connect the obvious masturbation | porn | jelqing | edging sessions to the almost immediate symptom appearance). Well that stupidity of mine had cost me another worsening of my symptoms again after I indulged in a long masturbation session! I finally put 2 and 2 together and realized the obvious, masturbation was leading me to these symptoms and the longer the masturbation session, the longer the recovery afterwards. Almost like a perfect math.

I then started searching extensively the internet about this phenomenon and strangely found MANY more cases. I had never heard of sexual exhaustion before but it made perfect sense to me. So I started taking celery seed tea and other natural substances like pure organic food and the likes. I also took some gingko biloba for my blood vessels constriction and it did help a little I have to admit. I started taking some blended herb tea for urinary tract soothness.

I would like to order some of your products as I seem they really help people and would like your recommendation on nutrition and exercise. I think I really let myself go for the past 2-3 years and of course didn’t tell my doctor about the overmasturbation problem because I knew he would think it’s not related and look at me like I’m crazy (guess what, I’m not). I have read hundreds of stories like mine by now! After my realization I have not masturbated for longer than 5 minutes and I avoid masturbating as much as I can. I feel better after doing those simple steps but I know that I’m not cured at all and that I would be in trouble the minute I decide to go for longer than 20 minutes.

I guess I will be keeping my celery seed tea and add some fresh juice from celery as well. I think it should help me out with the inflammation and open up my blood vessels which feel constantly constricted. I avoid taking any OTC pain relievers I was prescribed and I’m actually doing better without them. I wonder how many months should I continue refraining and just what to expect?

Thank you so much for your insight and time in advance! Your site is priceless and I’m sure you have helped a lot of people over the years!

You hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis experienced severe stress during and after those sessions, they burned your dopamine – cholinergic (acetylcholine / vagal), serotonin – GABA nervous control and function, and resulted in excessive dopamine – norepinephrine – epinephrine conversions (with your hypothalamus, hippocampus, limbic system, and adrenal glands closely involved) for sympathetic nervous fire and Fight and Flight responses. As a result, you experienced severe arterial constriction in your brain and internal organs for blood circulation deficiency and increased inflammatory prostaglandin E2 production in your brain, ears, eyes, joints and important internal organs, such as: heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, prostate, etc.

The headaches, dizziness, and ear buzzing you experience come as a consequence of noradrenergic / sympathetic nervous inflammatory response to physical (predominantly) and psychological stress, as well as lack of cholinergic (acecylcholine / vagal), serotonin – GABA nervous control on excessive dopamine – norepinephrine – epinephrine conversions.

Excessive norepinephrine and epinephrine will dilate your eye pupils, trigger ear ringing and / or buzzing, narrow your arteries, and inflame numerous internal organs by inducing extra inflammatory hormone production. As you may have noticed, they will also lead to hyperactivation of your bladder, prostate, and urethral nerves. Similar occurrences are usually also followed by autoimmune disorders, excessive histamine and glutamate release, endorphin release blockages, overstimulation of sympathetic nervous functions which will end up taking over your autonomic nervous system, urethral hypersensitization, artery constriction (resulting in poor circulation to internal and external organs), and produce a noradrenergic – adrenergic – sympathetic neuroplasticity. Not only that, but the negative neuroplasticity will frequently also be observed even one level bellow the mentioned systems, affecting your dopamine / serotonin / cholinergic / GABA nerves, receptors, and synapses.

The involuntary leg jerks and shaking you described are part of the Parkinson’s symptoms I frequently mention. It’s a result of a negative neuroplasticity affecting over-excited sympathetic nerves while the central dopamine – cholinergic / vagal, serotonin –GABA nervous control is too weak to modulate proper muscle functioning and control. Of course, other contributing factors such as low magnesium are frequently involved or even a result of the already mentioned factors.

As for the water retention symptoms you mentioned, it’s probably as a result of excessive pituitary vasopressin release and heightened prolactin levels, in a combination with low oxytocin.

Except for the rather obvious need of sexual activities discontinuation for at least 1 to 3 months, improving your diet, exercise, and negative ion exposure, I’d recommend addressing your dopamine, cholinergic / vagal, serotonin – GABA nervous control. You’d also need to support androgen production and various neurotransmitter synthesis (acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, and GABA), reduce norepinephrine-epinephrine levels, increase prostaglandins E1 E3 and Nitric Oxide, and reverse the negative neuroplasticity you’ve developed over the years. A combination of Multi-Alpha, Alpha-Amino, Balance-Essentials, GRB6-GABA, 5HTP-Nettle, Ultra-Purified-FishOil will address the mentioned issues in a precise manner.