
First of all I’d just just like to say that your website has been very helpful.

I’ve noticed that i am feeling the side-effects of over masturbation. I’m 17, and I’ve been masturbating since around maybe the age of 12-13. I used to masturbate daily, and there was even a period during which I masturbated up to four times a day…however I stopped this and cut down my ejaculations to 2-3 times per week. As of late, I have masturbated only occasionally, 1-2 times a week at most.

One of my concerns was that I didn’t ejaculate much at all. I’ve cut my ejaculations frequency down for a while, but still my ejaculation volume is very small, and the semen is rather thin. I have a slight upwards curvature in my penis, can this decrease my ejaculation volume?

Most importantly, I’m finding it difficult to get an erection. I used to be able to get aroused just by thinking, but now most of the time I need some stimulation to get hard. When I do get an erection, it’s somewhat difficult to maintain.

1) Is there any way i can restore my strong erection?
2) Is there any way I can fully restore my sexual function without the use of any medications (i.e. through lifestyle changes, diet, etc.)?
3) Is it possible to increase my ejaculation volume, and does my penis curvature affect it? As of now, I can only ejaculate maybe 1 mL.
4)How should I regulate ejaculation frequency from now on (not yet taking any medication)? Should I keep occasionally masturbating, or should I stop completely for a few weeks, or months, however long it takes? I’m prepared to do anything to get my health back.
Please advise on the above, I’m in a desperate situation. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I am one hundred percent dedicated to restoring my health, and I’m mentally prepared for the challenges ahead- I’m not looking for a quick fix- I will stay with it now matter how long it takes.

“I have a slight upwards curvature in my penis, can this decrease my ejaculation volume?”

It is rarely the case.

“Is there any way i can restore my strong erection?”

Yes, there is.

“Is there any way I can fully restore my sexual function without the use of any medications (i.e. through lifestyle changes, diet, etc.)?”

This can be the tricky part since sexual exhaustion is usually self supporting, meaning that one has to jump start proper nervous and endocrine functioning.

“Is it possible to increase my ejaculation volume, and does my penis curvature affect it? As of now, I can only ejaculate maybe 1 mL.”

Yes, it is possible by restore proper prostate, testicular, seminal vesicles, and periurethral glands functioning.

“How should I regulate ejaculation frequency from now on (not yet taking any medication)? Should I keep occasionally masturbating, or should I stop completely for a few weeks, or months, however long it takes? I’m prepared to do anything to get my health back.”

You should discontinue sexual activities for a 1 to 3 months and then gradually return to normal.

Thanks for the input, it’s much appreciated. I just have a few more questions to ask:

I forgot to mention this in my first post, but I have noticed a decrease in sex drive. Is this also due to overmasturbation- a decrease in testosterone levels? What is the most effective remedy for this?

Also, I have become aware of a, not severe burning, but definitely moderate botheration a little below my rib cage after my previous ejaculation- is this my adrenal glands? How can I reduce this botheration?

How can I best go about restoring sexual function? Currently I have committed myself to getting 5-6 servings of fruit a day, eating almonds/cashews (is it true these increase testosterone levels?), staying away from soy products, and getting around an hour of moderate-hard aerobic exercise a day. Is there anything else I can do to aid in the recovery process, or should i change or discontinue any of the above?

“I forgot to mention this in my first post, but I have noticed a decrease in sex drive. Is this also due to overmasturbation- a decrease in testosterone levels? What is the most effective remedy for this?”

This is due to chronically increased prolactin and abnormal dopamine levels. Abnormalities in androgen levels will also contribute to the condition. The best way to deal with the problem is to stabilize acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, and GABA levels, better hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-testicular functioning, and aid the modulation on stress and inflammatory hormones release.

“Also, I have become aware of a, not severe burning, but definitely moderate botheration a little below my rib cage after my previous ejaculation- is this my adrenal glands? How can I reduce this botheration?”

It is difficult to say.

“How can I best go about restoring sexual function? Currently I have committed myself to getting 5-6 servings of fruit a day, eating almonds/cashews (is it true these increase testosterone levels?), staying away from soy products, and getting around an hour of moderate-hard aerobic exercise a day. Is there anything else I can do to aid in the recovery process, or should i change or discontinue any of the above?”

The diet changes will prove to be very beneficial. However, for best results you should address the issues in a specific manner. A combination of Alpha-Amino, Alpha-AGH , Multi-Alpha, 5HTP-Nettle, Ultra-Purified-FishOil, and testicle cooling solutions will prove to be of great assistance.

I really appreciate the advice, doc, it’s been invaluable.

Over the past week I’ve been feeling better, and what’s more, the botheration in my abdomen has disappeared completely!

I wish to take up weight training in the gym this coming summer (doing heavy training, i.e. squats, deadlifts, etc.). Would this be an alright practice in my current state (I have heard that heavy squats release HGH hormone because of the stress on all the muscles), or could this damage my hormone levels further?

I may not have access to your products for another year or so; so how should I continue the recovery process for another year? Should I continue with the changes in diet and exercise, as well as abstaining from masturbation/sex, until I get the supplements? Will my condition worsen if I do not take the supplements soon?

Once again, thanks for your time and input.

Heavy training may not be the best choice there, however, it is still much better than not doing any exercise. Indeed, it will boost hGH release through adaptive functioning, so is crucial in this case to keep a very solid diet and ensure that nothing is lacking. A complete sexual activities discontinuation shouldn’t exceed 3 months but you may want to ejaculate once every 2-3 weeks and see if there are improvements.

Glad if I could help!