
Just want to say thanks for all the helpful info. This site is going to help a lot of people including myself.

I suffer from over masterbation symtoms and are using your pills to help myself recover.
When I was about twenty-five years old I measured my penis and it was about 6 – 6.25 inches. I was trim weighed about 185 lbs at the time.

I’m now into the thirties and I now weigh 220lbs and when looking in the mirror my penis doesn’t look as big. (I also have a bit of a gut) I measure my penis and to my shock it was now only 5.75 iches. Is this most likely because I’m 35 lbs heavier? I would assume that when I push the ruler up against myself that there is .5 extra amount of fat and that’s why it seems shorter.

Does this make sense?
thanks, Doc.

Thank you for the kind words.
Yes, it makes perfect sense and is one of the reasons why it may look smaller, when it’s actually not.
The other one is low sexual power to fully expand (or even beyond its default capabilities 120%-130%) your penis.

My erections have been very weak lately so maybe low sexual power has something to do with it — but the again, when I measure it I do wait until it is straight out hard.
To increase sexual power do I just continue with the vitamins and no sex for a few months?

That is right, just continue with the supplements and you should see improvements soon enough.