Hi all,

I’m 25 years old and currently experiencing some frustration with a number of symptoms. I have the occasional urinary incontinence, eye floaters, excessive fatigue, slight depression, ED, and premature ejaculation. I think it may be related to me masturbating very early in life (around 8) and before the symptoms appearance I really overdid it. I messed up my circadian rhythm, smoked, drank, stayed out late and ate junk food all the time.

Before posting here I went to my doctor and asked to have a range of tests done so that I may be able to pinpoint more accurately what’s going on, sigh, of no avail it seems. My doc said I had adrenal fatigue, and severe at that ??? What made an impression is that my catecholamines were very low, which is strange cause I thought sexual exhaustion (or sexual dysfunction) is related to low dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Here are the other results:

Ferritin=58 out of 10-105 ng/mL

T3, Free = 316 out of 230-420 pg/dL

DHEA Sulfate=311 out of 110-520 mcg/dL

Sex hormone binding globulin= 17 out of 7-49 nmol/L

Cortisol, free/TOT,LCMSMS =7.7 out of 4.6-20.6 mcg/dL

DHT= 44 out of 25-75 ng/dL

IGF 1, ECL= 589 out of 121-423 ng/ mL

T4, Free, Direct Dialysis = 1.0 out of 1.0-2.4 ng/dL

T3, Reverse= 22 out of 11-32 ng/dL



  1. Kwizkey

    Catecholamines are derived from the amino acid tyrosine man. It is only natural that when you deprive your body of proper dopamine levels (aka burn and abuse them during sexual activity) tyrosine will start to get depleted by supporting the process.

    Sounds like a moderate of sexual exhaustion. Not something to be taken lightly.

  2. Bonerat

    Definitely expected and as the comment above pointed out probably related to sexual exhaustion. The other results seem fairly normal to me but the bodies usually have weak spots and that’s where the problems usually occur first. You now know your weak spot.

  3. Manny

    “I think it may be related to me masturbating very early in life (around 8) and before the symptoms appearance I really overdid it. I messed up my circadian rhythm, smoked, drank, stayed out late and ate junk food all the time”

    Sounds like the perfect storm to me. Starting off masturbation at 8 is borderline crippling for life. Not to mention the junk food and drinking. Better get your shit together man. Your body won’t support more of this nonsense.

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