I was thinking of buying some DHT gel but the side effects possibilities are making me hesitant to tell you the truth. I’ve heard it may cause baldness but I have a very thick natural hair (everyone says my hair is unusually thick and will never go away. ) and still wonder if it would affect the guys that are more predisposed to it or everybody?



  1. jOe

    I would recommend to just stay away from similar substances. You don’t want to play with your body’s biochemical balance.

  2. Braver

    A friend used Andractim and got horrible acne and suffered mild depression (not sure cause of the acne or it was biochemically caused by Andractim).

  3. Joker333

    It will make you hairy all over, going for DHT directly is actually not a good idea. Testosterone replacement’s better but in itself remains a bad idea, you do the math.

  4. rand paul

    Dude just shave your head it will look way better.
    Bruce willis, Jason statham those guys get laid like crazy-and are bald.

  5. jOe

    I would recommend to just stay away from similar substances. You don’t want to play with your body’s biochemical balance.

  6. Braver

    A friend used Andractim and got horrible acne and suffered mild depression (not sure cause of the acne or it was biochemically caused by Andractim).

  7. Joker333

    It will make you hairy all over, going for DHT directly is actually not a good idea. Testosterone replacement’s better but in itself remains a bad idea, you do the math.

  8. rand paul

    Dude just shave your head it will look way better.
    Bruce Willis, Jason Statham those guys get laid like crazy-and are bald.
    Don’t lose your libido for the sake of your hair. It will be the biggest mistake ever.

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