Hello. I don’t feel like writing a novel although I have much to say here. I guess I will later write about my progress. So I’m 26 years old and I’ve been addicted to masturbation ever since I was 11. I know, I found orgasms by accident. Later on (2 years later or so) I started watching porn when I found the stash my parents had.

The thing I remember is that I was very social and calm kind just before I started masturbating.. I still remained social but started to experience anxiety and it’s been with me to this day. I never connected the dots but now .. looking back I think it was this habit that drained my body and turned me to this state of mind. The anxiety was a mild one by todays standards although I remember would be terrified to go into a fight with a stranger and had my phobias.

My first attempts to get by without masturbation and porn were failure but I’m getting better. Here are my short term goals:

-No Porn for a month
-No Masturbation for a month
-Write in journal to overcome urge to masturbate
-Learn about organizational skills and time management
-Come up with long term goals
-Find ways to not fantasize about sex all the time

Wish me luck, guys!



  1. rand paul

    This is f**king awesome.
    Good look dude. It is going to be tough as hell but with enough will power you can do it.

  2. jcairns82

    Best of luck on your goals. You mentioned that their short term goals; however, one month is a long time. Have you thought about going even shorter? If you go a day, then you’re a success. Whereas, if you go 21 days and then break, you feel like a failure even though you’ve gone 3 whole weeks.

    Maybe it’s just a psychological thing, but I tend to set my goals super easy to accomplish, so that I build up my self esteem.

  3. Flonkerton

    “Maybe it’s just a psychological thing, but I tend to set my goals super easy to accomplish, so that I build up my self esteem.”

    I couldn’t agree more. Setting unrealistic goals is a shortcut to disappointment and self-loathing. Don’t try and just leap over that wall, take some time and build yourself a staircase instead.

  4. rand paul

    Porn can destroy your life and it can melt your brain.
    When you go out into the real world you see hot girls as sex
    objects and nothing more.
    That is not good.

  5. marky

    Well done for firstly acknowledging you have a problem. As others have said here you must set realistic goals. I had a similar problem and was masturbating 2-3 times a day. I firstly got this down to once a day then worked slowly to have days without any. You need to take your time over this. Cold turkey does work sometimes but better to do this at a slower pace. It definitely does cause stress and anxiety I have felt much better since I now masturbate less. I give myself a day to look forwrd to doing it then I can put it to one side and look forward to my porn and masturbation day. Every guy needs one. Good luck, lets us know how it goes.

  6. Tigress

    Wow well done. Amazing how you did this all on your own. I hope you are doing well. Do keep us updated on your progress if you like. We’re here for you:)

  7. markoali

    This can only do you good, so I wish you very much luck with it.
    Try to go day-by-day. Be happy for every day you manage to survive without porn and masturbation, and work towards your goal.

    And keep in mind what you will achieve and how you will feel afterwards! :)

  8. LindaKay

    I’m sorry to hear that these “vices” have caused so many problems in your life. Just know that you aren’t alone — a lot of guys (and gals) go through it. It seems like your short-term goals will help get you on a good track, so tough it out! Good luck, friend!

  9. belle-B

    Heya! What happened man?? Did you achieve the goal? I know that it may be hard at first but you must stay strong to the end! Even if you fail you must raise even stronger!

  10. Peninha

    I know exactly what you mean, masturbation and porn make me feel I am going to my own small and dark hole and nothing good comes out from there. We just need to snap out of that!

    1. markoali

      I agree with you. I have stopped watching porn and masturbating completely. It helps that I have a gf, and a healthy sexual relationship, but I can still imagine how hard it must be for anyone because when you realize how negatively it affects you, it has already taken a lot away from you.

  11. robotokop

    I seriously don’t know anything else that masturbation can bring actually. It leads only to sadness and bad stuff. Ofc can be used as a relief from time to time but it is a double edged sword for sure.

  12. CeliVega

    This seems like a relevant place for me to post.
    I have been trying to refrain myself from masturbating for a long time as well, and well, things went pretty good at first, I actually succeed in keeping everything going for 3 or 4 months!
    And then tragedy strikes……I don’t know what got into me that day, I masturbated again.
    Ever since then I have been struggling against it……I wanted to get back to the days of no masturbation again……but I have never got past 20 days after that.
    And here I am, wanting to start again after losing to myself again yesterday. Let’s hope this time I can finally regain my composure and keep everything going well!

  13. richardngesa

    It will be among the sickness of the world in days to come, well hope you attain your goals. Abstain. Abstain. Abstain. Or can you break Your hands? Better stay on heavy bandages for a day each day…

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