I had a total of 6 ejaculations all of last month. I’m hoping to do better with my abstinence efforts this month.
12/01: ☑ I did well. No porn, no arousal, no masturbation, no ejaculation. I’m already off to a better start than last month.
12/02: ☐ This was chosen as my get-it-out-of-your-system day. The goal now is to make this my only ejaculation for the entire month.
12/03: ☑ As always, it’s a bit hard the day after masturbation. Body and mind are weaker, loneliness sets in, etc. But it’s all good.
12/04: ☑ Body’s taken a toll from that ejaculation the other day. However, I’m eating right and trying to keep my anxiety under control.
12/05: ☑ Experiencing some prostatitis-like symptoms. This has happened the last couple times after ejaculation. All the more reason to abstain.
12/06: ☑ If anyone’s wondering, one of the first symptoms that improves or vanishes altogether upon starting abstinence is hair-loss. Hair is MUCH stronger.
12/07: ☐ In the spirit of honesty: this was another failed attempt at abstinence. However, the goal this month is to ejaculate less times than last month (six times).
12/08: ☑ Successful restart. Of course I’m experiencing various symptoms that drain me after ejaculation, including minor prostatitis like symptoms but it’s okay.
12/09: ☑ I’ve been having shooting pains all over my body and I know it’s from masturbation due to the fact that it only weakens the system and does nothing to heal it.
12/10: ☐ I made the mistake of video chatting with my ex and of course that went nowhere fast in terms of my abstinence and pushed me back a step.
12/11: ☑ Restart days are usually always rather easy. Ton of symptoms like fatigue and irritability and whatnot but that’s even more of a reason to get through it porn-free.
12/12: ☑ I’m back on track and feeling confident about holding out the rest of the month. With the holidays just around the corner, I don’t wanna be a total wreck even if I’m staying home.
12/13: ☑ My confidence as far as abstaining is concerned is there. I just need to feed off it and keep this going so that I can clean myself up.
12/14: ☑ Seeing as how I live in the Midwest, today I shoveled some snow. I figure I can use some exercise. I’m skinny as hell and have no endurance so it can only help.
12/15: ☑ I have no desire to masturbate – especially not after last night. In the shower, I noticed even less loss of hair and I now believe 100% that this symptom is ejaculation related.
12/16: ☐ My fourth failure this month came at the expense of arousal via image triggers online. No surprise. I’ve done my best to block most relevant websites; I have to do my best to block the rest.
12/17: ☑ Good re-start day in terms of no desire to do anything sexual but hard on me in terms of symptoms and fatigue – as always.
12/18: ☑ I’m back on track. Even though I don’t really celebrate the holidays, I’m gonna try to keep my composure the rest of the month and not be a pain in the ass to the people I’m around.
12/19: ☑ No urges and no triggers. Under these conditions, it’s rather easy to abstain and keep yourself clean for the day. It was pretty easy today.
12/20: ☐ Meh. If I keep things going at this rate, I’m not going to do better than I did last month. If I plan to beat that achievement, I can’t ejaculate another time this month.
12/21: ☑ Did well in terms of not masturbating but feeling like shit in regards to mostly everything else in my life.
12/22: ☑ These recent days have taken a toll on me. I’m usually hyper-sensitive to my environment as it is but this is proving super hard to handle. Not masturbating, though.
12/23: ☑ Considering aforementioned updates, porn is one thing that’s absolutely not on my mind. The one positive about feeling the way I do is that I have no desire for masturbation.
12/24: ☑ Stress, stress and more stress. Thankfully, though, no masturbation. This makes four days in a row of a new string of abstinence.
12/25: ☑ I don’t exactly celebrate Christmas (or many holidays in general as most are religious and/or political) but I can celebrate the fact that I did nothing I wasn’t supposed to do.
12/26: ☑ Super tired as I haven’t been sleeping well but usually I’d give in on days like this and I’d masturbate. I haven’t done that so I’m happy.
12/27: ☑ Been having family issues as I often do but as stated yesterday: I would’ve just caved and masturbated to relieve my stress level but haven’t done so.
12/28: ☑ Kinda tired of letting idiots get to me for years and having my days ruined in this way. Masturbation contributed as I always thought it would help. Done with it.
12/29: ☑ Not thinking about sex whatsoever. When I’m online, I’m keeping myself busy browsing other websites, reading articles and tutorials and stuff like that.
12/30: ☐ I had a good streak going but it came to a close because my ex teased me on Skype and… well, you know.
12/31: ☑ Gonna finish the year off on a good note to go into 2014 the right way in my continued effort to practice more abstinence for better health.
Key: ☑ Success & ☐ Failure
Just like in November, I had a total of six ejaculations this month. As someone so bluntly stated, I “failed repeatedly” but these are small steps and I’m making bigger strides.
Good to see you havent given up! You had a 11 day stream going on in one occasion last month. Try to keep at least a week between the possible ‘release days’. I am trying my best also. Lets keep it up!
Thanks man! Good luck to you as well. Feel free to keep me posted on your progress. I’ve noticed that support from others really helps in achieving these abstinence goals.
Good luck on your “journey”, it’s probably pretty hard for you. But nothing beats motivation
You probably have a good reason for doing so.
Thank you! And yes, I feel like I have a great reason to abstain. Porn and masturbation had pretty much taken over my life and completely ruined my health.
Looking good so far! Congratulations on your self control and discipline. The longer you hold out, the better it’ll be in the end. And think about all of the hours you’ll save from not masturbating lol!
Appreciate that! And I hope so too. One of the big things is not wasting a ton of time on this anymore. It’s seriously been a big part of what I feel has totally stolen my youth.
I’m going to jump on this, starting tomorrow, hahaha. ;D
Let me explain my fap pattern first.
I cannot fap just once, I have to cum 2 times at least, otherwise I get blue balls (no kidding here).
When I was younger (let’s say about 18 years) I used to fap because of boredom, I did that almost every day, then I became more occupied with other tasks and it happened three to four times a week.
Then (when I was 20 years old) I started working and studying, became busy at morning and in the afternoons and the only afternoon free from work was friday so that day became fapping friday. Nothing too special, just had my sneaky fapping hour in the middle of the afternoon if I intended to be busy or do some homework later. Or I had full fap nights where I’d j/o multiple times for 1 to 4 hours.
So that’s what’s happening now. I fap on Fridays, if I forget then I have to wait until next friday or fap at least one day close to Friday (can’t do it on Monday or tuesday for example and cannot even think of fapping on Sundays. That day is a no-no).
I tried not fapping at all but failed. The problem I have with that is, I end up cumming anyways even if I don’t fap.
For example, I can quit for a week, it’s not that difficult to me since I have my fixed fap day and it’s easier to skip fapping in ONE day in the whole week than trying to skip fapping every day. The second week can go with no problems or intentions to fap then I’d have a totally sexual dream, banging everything, I can even have lucid dreams where I’d pound everything that moves and I end up waking up wet with lots of cum over my dick, pubes, underwear and sheets. A very nasty situation that I cannot control and sometimes I can’t even fix right after it happens, like when I wake up soaked and I have to go to work right away.
Well, that’s my story and I think the best way to start doing this challenge is not quitting dry but organizing your fap habits. It’s the same as quitting any addiction. If you stop dry, you’ll relapse. Try doing as I do, fix ONE fap day. You cannot fap any other day. When you get this schedule going for 2 months, just do everything you can to be busy and doing things non-stop on that fap day so you come home exhausted and the latest thing you want to do is touch your dick.
Also, think of jacking off as just throwing away your cum build-up, it’s NOT relaxing, it’s NOT a way to relax, you SHOULDN’T do it to relax and feel better just because you don’t have another way.
Another way I know is effective, try not to look at porn on the internet. I’m methodical with this, I have a 4.2 GB (the size of a DVD) encrypted archive. I go on a long porn spree ONE DAY downloading there all the porn I like until the volume is full then I avoid at all costs looking for porn on the internet. You can watch anything you downloaded but you cannot look for more on the internet. One interesting deterrent is using an actual DVD to store the porn away from your computer and having a USB drive with the decrypting key away from the computer and the DVD disc. Sometimes its so much work to find and put both things on your computer that you give up.
Ok that text became too long.
BRB, fapping. Will report here when I actually start no-fapping once and for all.
December 2013:
19 – Faaap!
I watched all the porn I could for hours and hours, it was so many porn that I ended up actually bored. The condition was not touch myself until 6 hours since I started. After cumming I deleted all my porn archive. Let’s see how it goes from now on.
20 – Nothing, spent most of the day sleeping. Didn’t plan on doing that but whatever.
21 – Nothing out of the ordinary, no urges or anything.
22 – Spent the day messing around with my bike then went out to the mall. Being outside is key to avoid fap moments.
23 – Woke up late, went out riding my bike, came home late and tired, hit the bed.
24 – The last thing I’d do on this day is fap.
25 – Meh day, no parties on christmas night so slept early and woke up late, preparing to go work tomorrow.
26 – No electricity so no entertainment, Danger!, I have some urges because I’m bored but it’s manageable. The unmanageable heat (95F, 35ºC) makes me get naked, the only thing separating my hands from my dick are some white shorts, no underwear, that makes me hard. Luckily my laptop has battery so it keeps my mind out of porn.
27 – Dammit!, Overslept
28 – Couldn’t sleep at night, the urge was big because I was super bored, normally when I cannot sleep, I fap until I get tired, got super hard thinking about the latest videos I saw on 19/dec but kept my hands by my sides. The boner just went away after a while.
29 – Joined a BB forum, let’s see how that goes. Too much information to get into my mind, don’t even have time to think about porn.
30 – Did random stuff around the house, couple boners here and there but it didn’t get my attention.
31 – Fapped in the morning while in bed. SHIT!. well, I didn’t watch pr0n at least.
Not bad guys, there is no way I would be able to do this so I’m not even going to try!
Getting back here and checking on this thread every few days is kinda dangerous, it brings back some feelings one shouldn’t have.
Pre no-fap feelings.
I think I’m gonna quit reporting back day after day. I’ll come back once a week or if I ever fap again.
Bummer, man. Keeping a journal seems to help me a lot as I’m able to observe and evaluate my progress.
Just reading things like fapping, ejaculating, cum, sex and related things makes me go hard and makes me remember that I haven’t played with myself in a while. What works best is keeping your mind clear of sex and ignoring your boner, it’s an attention seeking dick, ignore it and it will go away. I’m still not the one to talk about it, I mean, just one week with no release is nothing. I know that I can go more than 20 days if I want to. Never tried more than that because wet dreams, when I’m about to reach the month, I cum in my dreams, the situation, stickiness and smell makes me go hard and I cannot avoid fapping then. Wet dreams are what breaks me.
Keep yourself busy, get a hobby and GO OUTSIDE. Just go for a walk, doesn’t matter where you go. If you have a bike or motorcycle, go out for a ride. If you’re used to be at the computer the whole day, get out of forums, log out of facebook, if you cannot trust yourself not to enter to those websites, change the passwords, encrypt them and give them to a friend.
All great advice, my friend. However, it comes with a “but” and here it goes:
You must live in California if you’re bike riding in December. Where I’m at, it’s 8ºF. And, as for me: I don’t have Facebook. I’ve blocked all porn tube websites in trying to eliminate triggers.
Keep it up man, just 5 more days to go and you will do better than you did last month!
Just remember that the pleasure of an achieved goal lasts longer than an orgasm!
Oh man 5 days left! I’ve been off for 5 days and that’s tough. I think it gets easier as you go on. I predict that you’ll go crazy in January like there’s no tomorrow lol…
Thanks man, appreciate that support! The pleasure from an achieved goal definitely lasts longer with much greater value.
Haha, possibly. Honestly, there are innumerable benefits. I’m back to having morning wood, I’m losing much less hair, etc. Slowly but surely some things are fixing themselves.
Sorry to break this up to you but you have still 20 days to go for a no-fap month. You failed repeatedly and it’s not like December is over and you can go back to your old habit. It doesn’t work that way. You need to let go your habit for life.
BUT, besides that you did great progress so far. You haven’t masturbated in the last 9 days and I hope you didn’t relapse in the last 2 days. Just keep going like that. Don’t think that letting it go cold turkey can work with something so ingrained deep in your brain. Do little steps, that’s what worked for me and it’s still working so far. If you cannot fight the urge, something I see because you relapse in less than a week, start by setting up a fap day. Just one day a week, you cannot do it any other day. Say you do fap tuesdays. You cannot fap any other day. If you miss your fap day, you have to wait until next tuesday.
Take little steps and you’ll be able to improve. Also look at related forums, start by reading this thread, it’s HUUGE but has LOTS of information, stories, advice, useful links to other websites.
This website: http://www.yourbrainonporn.com/uncle-bob-porn-addiction-recovery-tips also has lots of information, advice, tips, etc. Highly recommended.
Well, I don’t live in the US, I’m from a different part of the world. Clichè answer will be get a hobby but in winter with snow and shit outside, it’ll be even harder to get you out of the house. Any friend you can hang out with in his house or can he come to yours? Unless it’s a fap buddy or you’re an exhib, I consider it impossible to fap while there’s people around, be it friends or family.
If you’re used to fool around in the computer all day, take it where there’s another people so you won’t be tempted. Also take note how your computer habits change when there’s people around.
If you live alone and of course if you can, place the computer near a window where it can be seen from the outside, don’t use blinds on the window, just a curtain. You won’t try to fap if you know that people can see you doing dirty things (unless you’re into it).
Wohoo!, all went to shit!.
Relapsed dec-31-2013. Using only brainpower. Not even watching porn.
Nofap 2014, here we go!
Excellent work man! I wish you the best of luck in your goal, and hope you are able to achieve what you intend to. Do you think you have a porn addiction, or was it just your means of “getting off”?
I don’t think I’m addicted but my taste for porn became really weird.
Also there are a bunch of guys saying that going no-fap is the best thing ever.
Good to see you haven’t given up! You had a 11 day stream going on in one occasion last month. Try to keep at least a week between the possible ‘release days’. I am trying my best also. Lets keep it up!
Thanks man! Good luck to you as well. Feel free to keep me posted on your progress. I’ve noticed that support from others really helps in achieving these abstinence goals.
Good luck on your “journey”, it’s probably pretty hard for you. But nothing beats motivation
You probably have a good reason for doing so.
Thank you! And yes, I feel like I have a great reason to abstain. Porn and masturbation had pretty much taken over my life and completely ruined my health.
Looking good so far! Congratulations on your self control and discipline. The longer you hold out, the better it’ll be in the end. And think about all of the hours you’ll save from not masturbating lol!
Appreciate that! And I hope so too. One of the big things is not wasting a ton of time on this anymore. It’s seriously been a big part of what I feel has totally stolen my youth.
I’m going to jump on this, starting tomorrow, hahaha. ;D
Let me explain my fap pattern first.
I cannot fap just once, I have to cum 2 times at least, otherwise I get blue balls (no kidding here).
When I was younger (let’s say about 18 years) I used to fap because of boredom, I did that almost every day, then I became more occupied with other tasks and it happened three to four times a week.
Then (when I was 20 years old) I started working and studying, became busy at morning and in the afternoons and the only afternoon free from work was friday so that day became fapping friday. Nothing too special, just had my sneaky fapping hour in the middle of the afternoon if I intended to be busy or do some homework later. Or I had full fap nights where I’d j/o multiple times for 1 to 4 hours.
So that’s what’s happening now. I fap on Fridays, if I forget then I have to wait until next friday or fap at least one day close to Friday (can’t do it on Monday or tuesday for example and cannot even think of fapping on Sundays. That day is a no-no).
I tried not fapping at all but failed. The problem I have with that is, I end up cumming anyways even if I don’t fap.
For example, I can quit for a week, it’s not that difficult to me since I have my fixed fap day and it’s easier to skip fapping in ONE day in the whole week than trying to skip fapping every day. The second week can go with no problems or intentions to fap then I’d have a totally sexual dream, banging everything, I can even have lucid dreams where I’d pound everything that moves and I end up waking up wet with lots of cum over my dick, pubes, underwear and sheets. A very nasty situation that I cannot control and sometimes I can’t even fix right after it happens, like when I wake up soaked and I have to go to work right away.
Well, that’s my story and I think the best way to start doing this challenge is not quitting dry but organizing your fap habits. It’s the same as quitting any addiction. If you stop dry, you’ll relapse. Try doing as I do, fix ONE fap day. You cannot fap any other day. When you get this schedule going for 2 months, just do everything you can to be busy and doing things non-stop on that fap day so you come home exhausted and the latest thing you want to do is touch your dick.
Also, think of jacking off as just throwing away your cum build-up, it’s NOT relaxing, it’s NOT a way to relax, you SHOULDN’T do it to relax and feel better just because you don’t have another way.
Another way I know is effective, try not to look at porn on the internet. I’m methodical with this, I have a 4.2 GB (the size of a DVD) encrypted archive. I go on a long porn spree ONE DAY downloading there all the porn I like until the volume is full then I avoid at all costs looking for porn on the internet. You can watch anything you downloaded but you cannot look for more on the internet. One interesting deterrent is using an actual DVD to store the porn away from your computer and having a USB drive with the decrypting key away from the computer and the DVD disc. Sometimes its so much work to find and put both things on your computer that you give up.
Ok that text became too long.
BRB, fapping. Will report here when I actually start no-fapping once and for all.
December 2013:
19 – Faaap!
I watched all the porn I could for hours and hours, it was so many porn that I ended up actually bored. The condition was not touch myself until 6 hours since I started. After cumming I deleted all my porn archive. Let’s see how it goes from now on.
20 – Nothing, spent most of the day sleeping. Didn’t plan on doing that but whatever.
21 – Nothing out of the ordinary, no urges or anything.
22 – Spent the day messing around with my bike then went out to the mall. Being outside is key to avoid fap moments.
23 – Woke up late, went out riding my bike, came home late and tired, hit the bed.
24 – The last thing I’d do on this day is fap.
25 – Meh day, no parties on christmas night so slept early and woke up late, preparing to go work tomorrow.
26 – No electricity so no entertainment, Danger!, I have some urges because I’m bored but it’s manageable. The unmanageable heat (95F, 35ºC) makes me get naked, the only thing separating my hands from my dick are some white shorts, no underwear, that makes me hard. Luckily my laptop has battery so it keeps my mind out of porn.
27 – Dammit!, Overslept
28 – Couldn’t sleep at night, the urge was big because I was super bored, normally when I cannot sleep, I fap until I get tired, got super hard thinking about the latest videos I saw on 19/dec but kept my hands by my sides. The boner just went away after a while.
29 – Joined a BB forum, let’s see how that goes. Too much information to get into my mind, don’t even have time to think about porn.
30 – Did random stuff around the house, couple boners here and there but it didn’t get my attention.
31 – Fapped in the morning while in bed. SHIT!. well, I didn’t watch pr0n at least.
Not bad guys, there is no way I would be able to do this so I’m not even going to try!
Getting back here and checking on this thread every few days is kinda dangerous, it brings back some feelings one shouldn’t have. Pre no-fap feelings.
I think I’m gonna quit reporting back day after day. I’ll come back once a week or if I ever fap again.
Bummer, man. Keeping a journal seems to help me a lot as I’m able to observe and evaluate my progress.
Just reading things like fapping, ejaculating, cum, sex and related things makes me go hard and makes me remember that I haven’t played with myself in a while. What works best is keeping your mind clear of sex and ignoring your boner, it’s an attention seeking dick, ignore it and it will go away. I’m still not the one to talk about it, I mean, just one week with no release is nothing. I know that I can go more than 20 days if I want to. Never tried more than that because wet dreams, when I’m about to reach the month, I cum in my dreams, the situation, stickiness and smell makes me go hard and I cannot avoid fapping then. Wet dreams are what breaks me.
Keep yourself busy, get a hobby and GO OUTSIDE. Just go for a walk, doesn’t matter where you go. If you have a bike or motorcycle, go out for a ride. If you’re used to be at the computer the whole day, get out of forums, log out of facebook, if you cannot trust yourself not to enter to those websites, change the passwords, encrypt them and give them to a friend.
All great advice, my friend. However, it comes with a “but” and here it goes:
You must live in California if you’re bike riding in December. Where I’m at, it’s 8ºF. And, as for me: I don’t have Facebook. I’ve blocked all porn tube websites in trying to eliminate triggers.
Keep it up man, just 5 more days to go and you will do better than you did last month!
Just remember that the pleasure of an achieved goal lasts longer than an orgasm!
Thanks man, appreciate that support! The pleasure from an achieved goal definitely lasts longer with much greater value.
Oh man 5 days left! I’ve been off for 5 days and that’s tough. I think it gets easier as you go on. I predict that you’ll go crazy in January like there’s no tomorrow lol…
Haha, possibly. Honestly, there are innumerable benefits. I’m back to having morning wood, I’m losing much less hair, etc. Slowly but surely some things are fixing themselves.
Sorry to break this up to you but you have still 20 days to go for a no-fap month. You failed repeatedly and it’s not like December is over and you can go back to your old habit. It doesn’t work that way. You need to let go your habit for life.
BUT, besides that you did great progress so far. You haven’t masturbated in the last 9 days and I hope you didn’t relapse in the last 2 days. Just keep going like that. Don’t think that letting it go cold turkey can work with something so ingrained deep in your brain. Do little steps, that’s what worked for me and it’s still working so far. If you cannot fight the urge, something I see because you relapse in less than a week, start by setting up a fap day. Just one day a week, you cannot do it any other day. Say you do fap tuesdays. You cannot fap any other day. If you miss your fap day, you have to wait until next tuesday.
Take little steps and you’ll be able to improve. Also look at related forums, start by reading this thread, it’s HUUGE but has LOTS of information, stories, advice, useful links to other websites.
This website also has lots of information, advice, tips, etc. Highly recommended. http://yourbrainonporn.com
Well, I don’t live in the US, I’m from a different part of the world. Clichè answer will be get a hobby but in winter with snow and shit outside, it’ll be even harder to get you out of the house. Any friend you can hang out with in his house or can he come to yours? Unless it’s a fap buddy or you’re an exhib, I consider it impossible to fap while there’s people around, be it friends or family.
If you’re used to fool around in the computer all day, take it where there’s another people so you won’t be tempted. Also take note how your computer habits change when there’s people around.
If you live alone and of course if you can, place the computer near a window where it can be seen from the outside, don’t use blinds on the window, just a curtain. You won’t try to fap if you know that people can see you doing dirty things (unless you’re into it).
Wohoo!, all went to shit!.
Relapsed dec-31-2013. Using only brainpower. Not even watching porn.
Nofap 2014, here we go!
Excellent work man! I wish you the best of luck in your goal, and hope you are able to achieve what you intend to. Do you think you have a porn addiction, or was it just your means of “getting off”?
I don’t think I’m addicted but my taste for porn became really weird.
Also there are a bunch of guys saying that going no-fap is the best thing ever.