Here’s the deal. 22 years old, have never been able to hold an erection long enough to take me from foreplay to sex before losing it. I can get an erection most of the time. While technically I have had sex, it doesn’t really count,as in I never came from sex. When ever i/partner stops stimulating my penis, it goes flaccid within 5 seconds. I find this pretty messed up and its cost me many sexual experiences. Failed every time I have tried, maybe 25-30? I guess I’ve been jerking it since 11 very consistently (avg over the years more then once a day easy) and watching a lot of porn as well (a lot over the years, hardcore raw stuff in the later years).

recently went off porn and no longer masturbate. Have a gf who I try to have sex with, always fail so we just pretty much just pleasure each other in other ways. Its really hard on her. I’m trying to keep the number of times I ejaculate per week to 2-3. Now I’m going to try not ejaculating for a month or so see if that helps. Also since I cut the porn/masturbation out, I’ve noticed more morning erections, and have been able to get erections by using my mind.

Kegels every other day about 75 flex reps, and 3 sets of a 30 sec hold. been doing kegels for a month maybe. Started doing other penis exercises like Jelqs. Are these bad?

Tried all ED drugs (viagra, cialis) and they help nothing with the holding erection part I still lose erection when not stimulated. This is also messed up to me that these don’t work.

I’d like to think this isn’t mental because the same thing happens when I’m alone or with a girl, don’t feel nervous at all when getting ready to have sex, I know this because I used to. Id get that feeling in my stomach/throat, heart would beat 200 times a sec ect, doesn’t happen anymore tho.

Whats wrong with me doc?

I’m sorry to hear that your problems persisted for so long, especially since they could have been avoided with little information on the matter.

You are sexually exhausted. The years of overmasturbation depleted your androgens levels, as well as neurotransmitters – acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, and increased the inflammatory response.

You lose the erection without manual stimulation because your hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis is partially locked and does not produce enough androgen hormones, so end up relying on the skins neuroendocrine action for erection support. Abnormal prostaglandin E1 E3 and Nitric Oxide levels are frequently observed, making your penis inelastic, so even PDE5 inhibitors won’t produce satisfying results.

You also altered your reward circuitry through the huge dopamine surges, and need increased mental stimulation (normal intercourse in porn movies won’t be enough) for similar satisfaction.

One would need a long term rejuvenation. Discontinuing sexual activities will prove to be helpful, since one will avoid the huge prolactin surges, but is usually not enough to restore proper hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular functioning.

A combination of Alpha-Amino, Multi-Alpha, Alpha-AGH, Ultra-Purified-FishOil, and testicle temperature regulatory practices will restore proper nervous and endocrine functioning, better hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis functioning, increase androgen hormones production, rewrite the negative neuroplasticity, and increase prostaglandins E1 E3 and Nitric Oxide.

Also, the special SR-Cream will greatly increase prostaglandin E1 and Nitric Oxide for penile sensitivity, elasticity, and firmer erections.

Glad if I could help!

thanks for reply. How long do I discontinue sexual activity for? How long do I take the supplements for?
Also, I have been smoking Marijuana since late 2002 until now, recently quit. In 2006 I took Ecstasy once a week for a year consumed over 100 pills in that year. Don’t know if this has anything to do with it. I have only done this once in past 3 yrs
Sorry to keep adding But I also remember masturbating to ejaculation a couple times when I’d lose my erection halfway but finish anyway, ejaculating while flaccid ultimately. Did this do any damage? I have stopped this.

“thanks for reply. How long do I discontinue sexual activity for? How long do I take the supplements for?”

2 to 4 weeks is the optimal sexual discontinuation as far as your case goes. Note that you shouldn’t ejaculate more than once in a session for months after the initial period.

An immediate positive effect of the supplements will be observed in 2 to 7 days. However, they should be taken at least 2 to 3 months for stable, notable improvements, and even possibly more for a full restoration.

“Also, I have been smoking Marijuana since late 2002 until now, recently quit. In 2006 I took Ecstacy once a week for a year consumed over 100 pills in that year. Don’t know if this has anything to do with it.”

You may want to take a look at this article if you haven’t already. The impact largely depends on the exact physical condition and certain neurotransmitter levels you had during the chronic intake. However, since you’ve been taking it for so long you may want to add Zeolite-DA for liver detoxification and P450 system restoration.

“But I also remember masturbating to ejaculation a couple times when I’d lose my erection halfway but finish anyway, ejaculating while flaccid ultimately. Did this do any damage? I have stopped this.”

Yes, this is extremely damaging for the local urethral, prostate, and penile tissues.

Glad if I could help!