I think a new board is needed. It’s true that it is not a direct physical aspect of the dysfunction but I think it goes hand in hand with similar problems and most of us struggle with it as much, heck even more than with the other aspects.
Take me for instance, I’ve suffered from extreme depression and performance anxiety after I’ve failed to have sex with the love of my life. She was so disappointed she never gave me the opportunity to redeem myself. I was stuck in a cycle of drinking, depression, and anxiety. Lost all my mojo and didn’t have the balls to try have sex again for 3 years (because I was afraid to fail miserably).
This shit is tough. It can take a severe toll on you and it can ruin you so completely it can eventually lead to your death if left unattended. It would be awesome to have a support board dedicated to the psychological aspect of sexual exhaustion.
I managed to overcome it completely with an understanding woman that was not that bothered by the initial setbacks. However, many guys are not that fortunate and I have words of advise for all. You are not alone gentlemen.
Thank you.
The idea is solid. I have to agree it’s a legit aspect and as I’m sure has lead people to severe depression and worse!
It’s not exactly aspect of Sexual Dysfunction but I can see how it is something inbetween.
“Noun A particular part or feature of something: “the financial aspect can be overstressed”.
A specific way in which something can be considered: “from every aspect, theirs was a changing world”.”
It is still a legit concern though. Mind and body are interconnected so much that you could legitimately help heal one by affecting the other.
It’s a legitimate concern that is certain. You can use the general board too. There is actually one board anyway
as it’s all interrelated.
Don’t be such pussies you guys
Just kidding.