So, I’ve basically been suffering from adrenal fatigue caused by years of sexual self-abuse (sexual exhaustion. I am sometimes so tired I can’t even walk half a mile without having to rest 3 or 4 times. My leg muscles hurt and feel used up. I just feel I have no juice flowing through me.. my androgens and testosterone seem completely gone.

In that regard. I was wondering are there supplements out there that can help with me feeling tired all the time? I don’t like coffee and I try and stay away from soda so I was hoping there might be something else I could look at.



  1. caparica007

    I’ve taken magnesium for fatigue, but also to enhance my sporting condition when I play tennis. I’ve also taken echinacea to make my immune system stronger.

    So probably the best would be go to a natural shop and ask for advice for your particular condition, they are pretty good at it at least here in my country.

  2. Chaos

    There are quite a few good energy boosters on the market. A quality vitamin and mineral supplements is the first step, then a caffeine concentrate, Q10 pills, green tea, Yerba mate or a sport powder. But the most important factor is to eat quality and healthy food, drink lots of water and rest.

  3. Kwizkey

    Maybe you don’t sleep or drink enough water? Maybe your diet sucks? Using a supplement for a problem that is very likely to be fixed by sorting out your lifestyle seems pretty stupid to me. If you have an underlying fatigue problem go see a doctor, but don’t think taking something extra will fix a problem that you might be able to sort out by yourself.

  4. dieselfit

    I’ve been a hardcore energy supplement user for years now. I’ve never found anything that could stimulant me as much as caffeine would. However, it wasn’t always giving me energy as it did wear me down a lot. So I looked into something that could stimulant me naturally without having to resort to drugs like caffeine. Basically I was looking for energy that I once had before getting myself into stimulants. I ordered a bunch of supplements as usual from an online site, and I decided to throw in L-Tyrosine. It ran me 10 bucks and didn’t think it would do much but I learned that it could give me a bit of energy and focus naturally.

    So during my week off from stimulants, I was feeling tired, depressed and was sitting in the same spot for hours getting nothing done. I go to my supplement stash and I decided to try L-Tyrosine. With caffeine I would usually feel something within 5-10 minutes. With L-Tyrosine I couldn’t feel anything until the 20 minute or so mark. And WOW, by the time it hit me, I was focused, concentrated and felt like I was cheating on my stimulant break. I also felt VERY motivated and excited.

    I looked into it more and apparently it is used for those in the army for focus and concentration. It’s also the amino acid that has provided us energy since we were kids but caffeine and stimulants tend to wear down our natural energy resources.

    So try this amino acid, you won’t need any caffeine at all.

  5. caparica007

    Really interesting stuff this L-Tyrosine… Are there no side effects for this? I was googling it and I read something about digestive issues, have you suffered from it?

    How does your body respond when you don’t take it?

  6. RazKnows

    I like taking energy supplements like pre-workouts. I use Muscle Pharm Assault and judging from the name it isn’t that intense. It does give you energy and enhances your mood for about an hour and a half. The first week I used it I was bouncing off the walls with energy for a long period of time and I’m talking 3-4 hours. But that’s because my body wasn’t used to the kick. Eventually I got used to it and have been taking the same amount for months. I like the focus and motivation I get from it.

  7. dieselfit

    “Really interesting stuff this L-Tyrosine… Are there no side effects for this? I was googling it and I read something about digestive issues, have you suffered from it?

    How does your body respond when you don’t take it?”

    Side effects only occur when taken in large doses. For example if you exceed 5 grams you will experience anxiety and a rapid heart rate. I have not suffered anything and I have been able to take breaks from it without even noticing any differences. If I take it for one to 3 weeks everyday, I would take a week or so off from it to make sure I don’t build a tolerance to it. Otherwise, it’s something I needed more than anything else. I felt like myself before starting stimulants when I supplemented with Tyrosine. It’s an amino acid, not something that would give you withdrawals if you stop. It’s nearly impossible to become “physically” addicted to it like caffeine. If your body produces this amino acid for energy and your lifestyle is full of stress or you just feel run-downed, you will most likely benefit massively from just this one ingredient. I have read a lot of research and articles on this before purchasing it, so I wouldn’t be talking about it if I wasn’t 110% sure about it.

  8. caparica007

    Very tempting, I am writing this down and I just might give it a go. Is this available in natural stores or just online?

  9. Doug

    caparica007, you should try the Tyrosine from this site actually. It’s the best Tyrosine I have ever tried. I love combining it with Balance Essentials and Multi Alpha too.

    Results are absolutely off the chart.

  10. Kwizkey

    “I like taking energy supplements like pre-workouts. I use Muscle Pharm Assault and judging from the name it isn’t that intense. It does give you energy and enhances your mood for about an hour and a half. The first week I used it I was bouncing off the walls with energy for a long period of time and I’m talking 3-4 hours. But that’s because my body wasn’t used to the kick. Eventually I got used to it and have been taking the same amount for months. I like the focus and motivation I get from it.”

    This is why I want to get on a preworkout… Only ever used music and my own drive to get me pumped but a little extra help should be quite awesome I think. However I do not want to feel reliant on an unnatural source for my energy and focus.

  11. dieselfit

    “Very tempting, I am writing this down and I just might give it a go. Is this available in natural stores or just online?”

    It should be available anywhere where they sell bulk supplements, not generic like GNC. Usually places like GNC would sell products that are made by companies that provide already formulated supplements with the exception of creatine or the few “big” ingredients. It depends where you live, check out your local supplement stores or get their phone numbers from online. L-Tyrosine is a great start for energy. If you are going to buy it from online, and you are considering to get multi vitamins, make sure they are extracted from natural ingredients. Natrol Energizers are a fantastic example. if you look at their ingredient profile you’ll notice how the Vitamin A is extracted is from a different source than a generic Centrum multi vitamin would.

    1. RazKnows

      I was just like you with music and own drive and that’s great but for me it only lasted a month maybe two? When you get on a program or a diet and they tell you which supplements to take, it’s kind of like a new start you know. You are motivated to consume the drinks because in your head you think it’s going to work. You start to notice that something is actually working and from then on it’s kind of hard to stop taking the supplements. Personal experience talking here.

    2. RazKnows


  12. caparica007

    I’ve taken magnesium for fatigue, but also to enhance my sporting condition when I play tennis. I’ve also taken echinacea to make my immune system stronger. Also don’t forget to add calcium to the magnesium mix for safe results.

    There are a lot of combinations that can be potentially beneficial but you have to know what you’re doing. So probably the best would be go to a natural shop and ask for advice for your particular condition, they are pretty good at it at least here in my country.

  13. ChaosChaos

    There are quite a few good energy boosters on the market. A quality vitamin and mineral supplements is the first step, then a caffeine concentrate, Q10 pills, green tea, Yerba mate or a sport powder. But the most important factor is to eat quality and healthy food, drink lots of water and rest.

  14. Kwizkey

    Maybe you don’t rest / sleep enough or drink enough water? Maybe your diet sucks? Using a supplement for a problem that is very likely to be fixed by sorting out your lifestyle seems pretty stupid to me. If you have an underlying fatigue problem go consult a specialist first, but don’t think taking something extra will magically fix everything. Be smart about it man.

  15. dieselfitdieselfit

    I’ve been a hardcore energy supplement user for years now. I’ve never found anything that could stimulant me as much as caffeine would. However, it wasn’t always giving me energy as it did wear me down a lot. So I looked into something that could stimulant me naturally without having to resort to drugs like caffeine. Basically I was looking for energy that I once had before getting myself into stimulants. I ordered a bunch of supplements as usual from an online site, and I decided to throw in L-Tyrosine. It ran me 10 bucks and didn’t think it would do much but I learned that it could give me a bit of energy and focus naturally.

    So during my week off from stimulants, I was feeling tired, depressed and was sitting in the same spot for hours getting nothing done. I go to my supplement stash and I decided to try L-Tyrosine. With caffeine I would usually feel something within 5-10 minutes. With L-Tyrosine I couldn’t feel anything until the 20 minute or so mark. And WOW, by the time it hit me, I was focused, concentrated and felt like I was cheating on my stimulant break. I also felt VERY motivated and excited.

    I looked into it more and apparently it is used for those in the army for focus and concentration. It’s also the amino acid that has provided us energy since we were kids but caffeine and stimulants tend to wear down our natural energy resources.

    So try this amino acid, you won’t need any caffeine at all.

  16. caparica007

    Really interesting stuff this L-Tyrosine… Are there no side effects for this? I was googling it and I read something about some minor possible digestive issues, have you suffered from it?

    How does your body respond when you don’t take it?

    1. dieselfitdieselfit

      Side effects only occur when taken in large doses. For example if you exceed 5 grams (5 tablets per 1000mg) you will experience anxiety and a rapid heart rate. I have not suffered anything and I have been able to take breaks from it without even noticing any differences. If I take it for one to 3 weeks everyday, I would take a week or so off from it to make sure I don’t build a tolerance to it. Otherwise, it’s something I needed more than anything else. I felt like myself before starting stimulants when I supplemented with Tyrosine. It’s an amino acid, not something that would give you withdrawals if you stop. It’s nearly impossible to become “physically” addicted to it like caffeine. If your body produces this amino acid for energy and your lifestyle is full of stress or you just feel run-downed, you will most likely benefit massively from just this one ingredient. I have read a lot of research and articles on this before purchasing it, so I wouldn’t be talking about it if I wasn’t 110% sure about it.

    2. caparica007

      Very tempting, I am writing this down and I just might give it a go. Is this available in natural stores or just online?

    3. dieselfitdieselfit

      It should be available anywhere where they sell bulk supplements, not generic like GNC. Usually places like GNC would sell products that are made by companies that provide already formulated supplements with the exception of creatine or the few “big” ingredients. It depends where you live, check out your local supplement stores or get their phone numbers from online. L-Tyrosine is a great start for energy. If you are going to buy it from online, and you are considering to get multi vitamins, make sure they are extracted from natural ingredients. Natrol Energizers are a fantastic example. if you look at their ingredient profile you’ll notice how the Vitamin A is extracted is from a different source than a generic Centrum multi vitamin would. Also this very site sells some really high quality L-Tyrosine under the R&D Naturals brand which I’ve used with great results.

  17. RazKnows

    I like taking energy supplements like pre-workouts. I use Muscle Pharm Assault and judging from the name it isn’t that intense. It does give you energy and enhances your mood for about an hour and a half. The first week I used it I was bouncing off the walls with energy for a long period of time and I’m talking 3-4 hours. But that’s because my body wasn’t used to the kick. Eventually I got used to it and have been taking the same amount for months. I like the focus and motivation I get from it.

    1. Kwizkey

      This is why I want to get on a preworkout… Only ever used music and my own drive to get me pumped but a little extra help should be quite awesome I think. However I do not want to feel reliant on an unnatural source for my energy and focus.

  18. Kwizkey

    “Really interesting stuff this L-Tyrosine… Are there no side effects for this? I was googling it and I read something about digestive issues, have you suffered from it?

    How does your body respond when you don’t take it?”

    Once you get used to taking a substance to improve your mood etc you will become dependent on it (even if it’s not a purely physical dependence). Even with coffee, and that is why I rarely drink it. Only rely on things like this if you really have to.

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