Dear Sir, I’m 43 years old male. My major symptoms are premature ejaculation, vision problems, lack of concentration, wandering mind and anxiety. I also feel very stressed. My erection power is good for now. From the site I understand that Seronex, GABA and FishOil will help me. But I wonder should I take the promoting […]
Articles Tagged: anxiety
Cold and Tight Scrotum
I’m early 30’s and have been masturbating since I was a teen and doing so obsessivley. One thing I’ve noticed besides some memory loss and anxiety is that my scrotum is always tight, so much so that sometimes my balls will go inside me. It’s also gets cold. My penis also seems to shrivel when […]
Suffering From Many Symptoms Of Sexual Exhaustion
I suffer from Sexual Exhaustion and have at least ten or more of the symptoms. A big one for me is loss of thought and memory problems. I just can’t seem to think of what I want to say. I also have major premature ejaculation and weak erections. I went to my nature path and […]
Masturbation Ruined My Life
Oh I’m so glad I found this site! I’ve been having problems with my sexual health and life for some time. I’m a chronic masturbator since the age of 11 and noone said it’s bad….everywhere I read they said “oh it’s good keep on masturbating” and it ruined my life. I wanna cry right now […]
Chronic masturbation led me to these symptoms. Please help me!
Hello. I’m a 24 year old male who as I found recently suffers from sexual exhaustion symptoms. I started masturbating at age of 6 – no kiddin’. Long before I actually had sperm I used to do it 2-3 times a day. At the age of 15 I started to get SE symptoms but I […]
I experience severe symptoms of Sexual Exhaustion
Please help me Dr. I have been heavily masturbating since I was 9. Around the age of 23 I started to experience buzzing ears and urinary incontinence. After my thirties weak erections and premature ejaculation and now I’m 43 and it has gotten much worse – plus the symptoms above I have body pains, blurry […]