I am 34 year unmarried male. In past I had problem of excessive secretion of precum (during arousal as well in routine) which irritated me. Immediately, after secretion, I felt problem in urination and pain in lower body region. I took some home medicine but it had no effect. However with the passage of time […]
Category: Cases 2012 – 2025
Controlling Masturbation
What should i do for control my masturbation habits? And if I end up masturbating, what are the limitations? What is impact on body if I end up over-masturbating. Please answer me thank you! ANSWER If you have a properly working nervous and endocrine function, along with proper serotonin and GABA nervous modulation on inflammatory […]
Weight Loss and Penis Size
Hello, Just want to say thanks for all the helpful info. This site is going to help a lot of people including myself. I suffer from over masterbation symtoms and are using your pills to help myself recover. When I was about twenty-five years old I measured my penis and it was about 6 – […]
Stem Cell Treatment for Penis
Hi. I really appreciate the information you are giving on this site and i can say it gave me hope for my penis problems and already got some improvements. I am suffering from depression, sexual exhaustion, chronic anxiety, sleepless nights and plus penis injuries, hard flaccid state, and visible varicosed veins. After i followed your […]
Small Penis and Premature Ejaculation
Hello dr. Richards. I’m fascinated by your work. Since elementary school I used to masturbate 3-4-5 times a day and this of course resulted in tons of problems that I finally connected to each other reading this site. My morning erections were never existent, I don’t recall the last one and I think because of […]
A Compressed Nerve Maybe ?
I used to be a professional biker but with time I developed numbness in the area where you sit on the bicycle seat.I decided to quit when the numbness started to become pain so I couldn’t bear it. Months passed and the numbness went away but if I got on the bike only 30 minutes […]
Causes for Premature Ejaculation ?
I’m blessed I found your site! I must tell you that I don’t have other sexual exhaustion symptoms except premature ejaculation. So I was wondering if you can tell me all the reasons for a man 23 to prematurely ejaculate I can understand if I have a real problem. Thank you in advance, this site […]
Masturbation And Marijuana Shrank My Member
Ever since age of 12 I’ve been abusing my member. I also started smoking cigarettes at 14 and subsequently marijuana at 15. I’m 26 now and I don’t have spontaneous erections, in fact I don’t remember having em in a 7-8 years. My memory is suffering I don’t remember simple things that people told me […]
What should I do to become a normal man?
I have been masturbating for 10 years straight and i always had a problem with the premature ejaculation and i mean really premature about 10 to 15 seconds. I also had urine problem but this is for many years so I’m used to it – basically when i drink water i want to urine quickly after […]
Stress Makes Me Masturbate
I read a case entitled “My brain is fried”… i am similar. I masturbate 2 times or more a day, and i want it to stop. But i can’t seem to before i build up extreme stress and can’t stop thinking about it; i have to do it. The longest time i have gone is […]
Depression and Masterbation
Hi. it is great to meet this site. i found many useful things. Since I was a kid I have low energy and I have been very shy guy. I always had problems with my surrounding at school and at neighbourhood. I was a good student but socially i was feeling weak, alone and even very ugly. I started masterbation when I was 12 […]
Puzzling Penis Injury
I’m so thankful I found your site. I’m 21 years old. About four months ago I noticed that my penis would shrink and become hard (flaccid) while standing up, in the shower, and especially after ejaculation. I attributed this to the foolish jelqing and stretching I had been doing, even though I never did anything […]
No libido
I have a problem. I’ve lost my libido. Don’t know how it happened but I can not lust even for the prettiest girl. I feel that it happened suddenly about 4 months ago and is yet to resolve. I still masturbate because I am used to it but I do not feel pleasure anymore, and […]
49 year old man w /severe PGAD/PSAS
I am in great need and Jeanie of the PSAS group recommended I write you and not overwhelm you. I will try to do this…forgive me if I don’t. Firstly, I’ve been running around to Urologists/ER’s the past few months not even knowing what PSAS was. I am in NYC, and although I mentioned that […]
Tired After Ejaculation or Sex
Hi, I’ve been masturbating since i was 10 and i’m 23 now so that makes 13 years straight. I started having problems lately, whenever i ejaculate or have sex i will get extremely tired and weak. I mean really, really weak – my joints will ache all day and it is like the ejaculating ruins […]