Hi. it is great to meet this site. i found many useful things. Since I was a kid I have low energy and I have been very shy guy. I always had problems with my surrounding at school and at neighbourhood. I was a good student but socially i was feeling weak, alone and even very ugly. I started masterbation when I was 12 […]
Articles Tagged: fatigue
Tired After Ejaculation or Sex
Hi, I’ve been masturbating since i was 10 and i’m 23 now so that makes 13 years straight. I started having problems lately, whenever i ejaculate or have sex i will get extremely tired and weak. I mean really, really weak – my joints will ache all day and it is like the ejaculating ruins […]
16 and Sexually Exhausted
Hi. I’m just 16 but I think I have symptoms of sexual exhaustion and I’m glad to have found this site because I dunno what I was gonna do. I started masturbating at the age of 8 and have been masturbating constantly after the age of 11 for over 5 times a day sometimes. I […]
Too Young for Erectile Dysfunction
Hello dr Richards. I am an 20 year old male. I started masturbating around the age of 11 and had been doing it for about 2 to 4 times daily. I started to experience there symptoms: – low sex drive – soft and weak erections that have to be kept by manual stimulation – namely […]
Another Case Of Sexual Exhaustion I Guess
I am a 24yr old male and I have quite a history of over-masturbation until now. I was convinced that you may do it as much as you want and no one taught this in the Sex Education class or the Media in general. I had days to go up to 10 times. I also […]
My Symptoms – Maybe Sexual Exhaustion ?
HI! I’ve been masturbating at least 2 times per day for more than 15 years (I’m 27 now). The last year I sure let my penis have it by masturbating more average 5 times a day. 2 Years ago I started having some problems, I got varicocele on the left testicle, and along with It […]
Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction and Sexual Exhaustion
Hello! I’m glad I finally found a site that makes sense and tells you other than “take Viagra and you will be ok”. I have been masturbating for 17 years now, since the age of 12. I lost my sexual power around the age of 22 but I thought it is natural, because I was […]
My Sexual Exhaustion Story
I’m so glad I found this site. Here is my story. I started masturbating at the age of 9 (I think), when I accidentally had an orgasm while touching my penis – I felt really good at the moment so I started touching it quite often. I had nothing to come out, just contractions. I […]
More Than Sexually Exhausted – My Life Is Ruined
Desperate words cant describe it. I’ve been heavily masturbating for more than 23 years. For that time I suffered so much disappointments that it will take a book to describe them all. I’m 33 and my life is a total mess. No girlfriend, heck I’m not even capable of feeling affection or love anymore. I […]
Wanna make sure I’m not gonna suffer Sexual Exhaustion
Hello there, I’m just 27 and I’m not having any problems with sexual exhaustion, I don’t masturbate (my religion forbids it) but I’m just wondering if there is a way to boost my biochemistry, since I’m having a girlfriend that is very sexually active and I’m concerned that she may exhaust me eventually… she wants […]
Suffering From Many Symptoms Of Sexual Exhaustion
I suffer from Sexual Exhaustion and have at least ten or more of the symptoms. A big one for me is loss of thought and memory problems. I just can’t seem to think of what I want to say. I also have major premature ejaculation and weak erections. I went to my nature path and […]
Masturbation Ruined My Life
Oh I’m so glad I found this site! I’ve been having problems with my sexual health and life for some time. I’m a chronic masturbator since the age of 11 and noone said it’s bad….everywhere I read they said “oh it’s good keep on masturbating” and it ruined my life. I wanna cry right now […]