Hi Doc, What exactly is Edging and Kegels and how is it good or bad for you? I suffer from premature ejaculation and sexual exhaustion with very weak erection and although I’ve been taking your supplements and not ejaculating, I have been jerking and rubbing when I get anxious from not having sex. Is this […]
Category: Cases 2012 – 2025
Help for Sexual Exhaustion – EA
i am 26 an suffering from poor sex performance – premature, not hard for long enough and extreme heat burning sensations through upper body, neck and face with throbbing headache during and after sex. i suffer from hair loss, poor urination, panic attacks social nervousness and weight loss, allergies. tests show low levels of dhea […]
Over-Masturbation Skin Change
I been masturbating a lot more in the pass year and started to notice that my pelvic area and groin have some dark spots and my penis is also darker, also i have developed ibs, is all this coming from too much masturbation, should I try to stop? ANSWER Yes, overactive sexual activities may […]
Erectile Dysfunction and Sexual Exhaustion
Hello, I’m 19 years old, I had intensive sex life since 15. Problems with urinating started year ago. I can’t keep urine too long, It’s harder to urinate, even though I want to urinate, so I keep pushing it, and after that it still feels like some urine is still left, but it wasn’t such […]
Sexual Exhaustion Plus Stinging Pain In The Penis
Hi I am suffering from sexual exhaustion, and get the stinging pain in the penis and at the base. I have noted that sometimes my night erections are stuck, in that I have to walk around to get rid of them. Would this be a result of the inflamations which are going on? Also, in […]
Epigenetics and Premature Ejaculation
Hello Dr.Richards, I am here to ask a few questions! Thanks for all of this helpful info, I really appreciate what you are doing for the community. I will be ordering your products very soon. I have read most of the cases and have heard the term “neuroplasticity” flying around lately so I have done […]
Jelqing Cause Of Firm Flaccid And Other SE Symptoms
Hello Dr I’ve just found your site and really hope you can help me. Around 5 months ago i started doing some supposed penis enlargement exercises called jelqing,i was doing these for a month or so when i noticed my penis was feeling quite hard inside in its flaccid state and the hardness would change […]
Hard flaccid + MDMA
Hi Dr. Richards, My name is Mark. It’s me who has asked you before about the hard flaccid penis being caused after taking MDMA and on using alpha blockers. First, thank you for posting the article on MDMA and Sexual Exhaustion and thanks again for this website. I’ve been doing countless research on human physiology, neurotrasmitters, […]
37 year old with premature ejaculation
I recently became aware of the negative effects of edging and Kegels. I am 37 y/o with a past history of at times excessive masturbation. I had a vasectomy in 2004. Due to relationship stress I became addicted to masturbation. In 2007 I was diagnosed with chronic non bacterial prostatitis (which I now know was […]
Low On Willpower To Discontinue Masturbation
Hi, I want to thank you before for the helpful information that you have in your site. I am 25 years old and i masturbate about 5 times by weak, is there a way to stop masturbation? I want to do that but maybe because of my depression, i have very low willpower and self control. […]
Stuck in a cycle of inflammation
Hi I am stuck in the cycle of inflammation. I have stopped sexual activities for 5 weeks so far and the burning pain comes and goes on a daily basis. I also am having problems sleeping. I am taking fish oil and vitamin B. Sometimes vitamin E cream helps. I have tried 5 htp but […]
Can healing from sexual exhaustion be painful?
Hello Dr. Richards, Thanks for putting up this website, you are offering an invaluable service to many men who have gone on the wrong track with their sexual health. I have been struggling with unhealthy masturbation since I was 14, and pornography use since 22. I am now 36. I am in the midst of […]
Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome Symptoms
Dr. Richards, I have been suffering from overmasterbation symptoms for a few years now. The most debilitating symptom is PSAS like symptoms. Through much research I have found that this is due to inflammation and specifically from too much Prostaglandin E2 production. After having blood work done several times, my testosterone and sex hormones are […]
Overmasturbation / Sexual Exhaustion
Hi, First of all I’d just just like to say that your website has been very helpful. I’ve noticed that i am feeling the side-effects of over masturbation. I’m 17, and I’ve been masturbating since around maybe the age of 12-13. I used to masturbate daily, and there was even a period during which I […]
Male Anorgasmia (No Orgasm)
Hi. I’ve been sexually exhausted through masturbation since I was very young. I’ve been trying to recover, taking a range of supplements and cutting down masturbation and porn. I can get an erection (with porn), and I can ejaculate. But I still suffer from Anorgasmia, the inability to orgasm. This has effected me since the […]